1821- 2021: Greek Revolution, Let us finally become what our ancestors dreamed of

25 Μαρτίου, 2021 - 10:08 μμ

Greece after 200 years of the Great Revolution

By Anna Stergiou (annastergiou11@yahoo.com)

Even though we face today so many minuses, the 200 years since the Greek Revolution are undoubtedly an anniversary that determined the fate of all Greeks, the fate of Balkan peoples and created a chain of changes throughout the geopolitical landscape.

Greece today is experiencing multiple changes. As a country has the potential to become better at embracing her children around the world and this bet should not be missed. To become the real metropolis of Greece, which will not remember the expatriates only in elections or when it needs their support. I will not dwell on those who came or did not come. We thank all those who came at this difficult situation as we face pandemic. Their presence was a gift. However, everyone was measured for how they see Greece today, when we needed him. When we were in a difficult position, when the country was in danger of bankruptcy. Then we counted friends and enemies again.

GreenLife247, when thousands of our fellow human beings are in bed in pain is not an easy celebration. It is a silent celebration. But it is after all a celebration because some people fight to keep us alive. Our ancestors started barefoot and without the possibility to live and we have reached so many things today. What we consider insignificant they had not dreamed. So let’s celebrate it. And let us teach our children its deeper meaning.

Many helped us to be here at this moment. Some because they had an interest, others because they believed in us, others for both reasons. It matters whether we will reflect on this top event in Greek history. If we will change established mentalities, if we will have a better quality of democracy, better mass media, if we will not step on our neighbor to be seen. For all the women and men, known and unknown, who fell in the fight, killed and traumatized, for all the children who were killed and injured.

We live in a difficult world now. It is up to us what our ancestors did to understand their purpose and be better people. To keep their solidarity. Their hope and vision for freedom and prosperity. Not for the elites. For all. We should never leave someone behind. Nobody should be out of this circle. We should understand that today and begin from today. Not from tomorrow. Let us think the best let us reflect the best, let us defeat our evil self…

*The picture is from Hellenic Red Cross, the sign of the organisation of the valuable people who helped Greece, and founded in 1877. Since then we know how valuable has been this organisation to built Hellenic Democracy.

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